agrim (Everything is a file)

Monitoring Spark jobs with Prometheus StatsD Exporter and Grafana

Be notified before something goes wrong.

Metaprogramming 101 with ruby

Metaprogramming is writing code that writes code

Wrapping up GSoC 2018 with Bundler

This blog is a summary of my journey throughout GSoC 2018 with Bundler.

Google Summer of Code 2018 with Bundler

I got selected as a Google Summer of Code student in Bundler for the project Integrate functionality from bun into Bundler. Results came out on April 23 09:30 P.M. IST, couldn’t sleep the night out of excitement.

Diving Deep into JavaScript (Part 2)

This post is in continuation of the previous post Diving Deep into JavaScript (Part 1)

Diving Deep into JavaScript (Part 1)

I recently got acquainted with some advanced concepts in JavaScript and believe me understanding these are vital if you are developing a large scale application on JavaScript. So, this post discusses some of those concepts in detail.

Getting to know Lua (Part 4)

This post is in continuation of previous post Getting to know Lua (Part 3)